We all Have a Second Chance.... Empowering Women

Friday, October 19, 2007

To Hell With Fibroid Tumors

I know there are 1,000 of women out there just like me fighting fibroid tumors. I feel compelled to share my journey in this boycott against these foreign objects that have taken residence in my body.

There are 100s of methods and treatments and I intend to sift through this mass of information and share with you what is working for me and what is not.

In the long run we are all dealing with a unique system called our body. Each person has to listen to their own body, and pay attention to how it is responding, or not responding to what ever kind of treatment you may choose.

I have already found some amazing results in using natural products; after all if Mother Nature made it then it must be good if used in the correct manner.

As I take this journey I invite you to please ad your comments to not only help me but also help other women who are dealing with the same issues. There is power in numbers and you are the most important person in the alliance against fibroid tumors.

Your a Mother
Your a Sister
Your a Daughter
Your a Wife
Your a Boss
Your a Girlfriend
Your a Grandmother
Your a Lover

You take care of everyone else

Who is taking care of YOU?

Please take the time to take care of you and your body so you can give the best of yourself to your family and friends.

Author: Tracy Braime

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Isn't strange to have strange objects in the body?

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